Jan 4, 2022
Stephen Kavalkovich helps us get
a balanced start to 2022 by joining me again after more than four
years. Stephen was originally a guest on episode 23 of the podcast
on September 7, 2017, and it is great to catch up and learn more
about his progress and path in life.
Stephen is a man who has been given the gift of
many experiences throughout his life...
"For most of my adult life, I was a 911 Paramedic. I also had the honor of serving as a rescue worker at the World Trade Center on 9-11-01 in NYC.
I have seen tragedy and suffering first hand for many years. Little was I aware that I was the one who needed the saving. Through seeking peace within by using all things external, I wound up desperate, broken and destroyed in every way.
I am now grateful to be a man in long term recovery from substance abuse and destitution. My goal is simple, to use my experience to connect and give you a voice."
Stephen’s “soul” purpose is to
utilize every experience he has had in this earthly existence to
heal others. While our struggles, trials, and tribulations connect
us, he would like to help remind you who you really are.
Stephen is an Energy Healer, Wounded Warrior,
Connector, Podcast Host.
Web: https://ancienthealingpathways.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephen.kavalkovich
Shamanic Name:
Owl Grey Fire
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/owlgreyfire