Mar 9, 2021
Many speakers who claim to be “onions” – i.e. wrapped in mystical and magical layers of enigmatic meaning – have their metaphors mixed up, because they’re typically nothing but smoke and mirrors; get too close, and it’s all style and no substance.
Steve ain’t no onion.
What you see IS what you get. And what you see and get is a man who you’d probably avoid making eye contact with in an alley — or anywhere else for that matter. After all, a shaved head, Harley Davidson garb and body piercings on a 5’ 11”, 240 lb. frame don’t scream “let’s be friends!”
But that’s the irony of it all, because despite his gruff exterior, Steve is remarkably open, engaging, generous, intuitive, insightful and competent – and he’s leveraged all of this to build a remarkably successful entrepreneurial career.
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