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The phrase "You're the Boss!" is a mantra for anyone who's ever had to face their own fears, struggles and even failures. It's time to take a deep dive into overcoming limiting beliefs, identifying where our past can shape us rather than define us and build a rock solid lifestyle and business filled with passion and purposeful leadership!

Hosted by Larry Roberts, each episode of You’re the Boss will bring you experience, proven techniques and mind shifts that you can leverage to develop the skills needed to achieve your goals and build your best life.

May 1, 2017

Nicki Truesdell is a 2nd-generation homeschooler and mother to 5. She loves books, freedom, history and quilts, and blogs about all of these at

She believes that homeschooling can be relaxed and that history is fun, and both can be done with minimal cost or stress, no matter your family’s circumstances. Nicki is a member of the Texas Home Educators Advisory Board and The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Review Crew.

You can also find her on  InstagramFacebookTwitter, and Pinterest.  

 Here's a post she wrote on WHY she homeschools and what it means to her and her family.

 Books Nicki recommends:

 Educating the Wholehearted Child

 Cathy Duffy's 102 Top Picks

 The Well Trained Mind