Oct 29, 2019
Back in 2014 during work conversations, Brent Basham found his interest in tech colliding with being a dad when he would talk with his colleague and friend Andrew Currie. In the tech space, they found themselves discussing how different things were for this generation’s little digital natives. It also occurred to them that this was the only time in history when there would be such an interesting generational digital divide. So, they did the obvious thing for someone in their situation... they started a podcast! And just like that, Digital Dads was born.
Brent and Andrew continued podcasting for 3 years and it was a true labor of love. They connected with lots of other amazing dads and featured them on their show sometimes. But podcasts take a lot of time (getting guests, recording, editing, show notes, etc.). And so does having a career. And of course, being a dad. So they eventually "podfaded" and the show went on an indefinite hiatus.
Enter Poddit.
A big part of the challenge with the podcast was discovering and connecting with great guests. Not just any guests mind you, they wanted to discuss interesting topics and ideas. But it became a huge chore clicking all around the internet week after week. And the time suck was a big part of the reason they stopped the show. With some time away, Brent and Andrew began to realize it could be better and that with they tech backgrounds, they were perfectly suited to solve this problem for themselves, and for others. So they did. And now Brent gets to share how it came to be right here and I couldn't be more excited.
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