Nov 7, 2022
Dai Manuel is a super dad, dating his wife, with a lead by
example way of living and a contagious personality, who is on a
mission to positively impact one million role models around the
globe to lead a FUN-ctionally fit life through education,
encouragement, and community.
He is an award-winning digital thought leader and author,
Distinguished Toastmaster & keynote speaker, former partner and
Chief Operating Officer of a multi-million dollar retail company,
and a sought after lifestyle mentor and executive performance
To learn more about Dai, please visit his website.
Dai knows the struggle of the juggle and keeping his health and
happiness a priority. He models his work based on 5 F’s: Fitness,
Family, Faith, and Finances with an overarching roof of FUN, built
on a rock-solid foundation of Health. Nuggets of wisdom and
inspiration to take action to be your best self are guaranteed when
you connect with Dai!